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52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks - #2 'Favourite Photo'

Mel Hulbert

'Favourite Photo’ is the prompt for week two.

I can have only one? Hmmm I really can’t narrow it down to one and many of the photos I have are favourites, so I’m going to pick a couple of interesting images and share a little about them.

Amy Tuckwell, my grandmother's sister. In this image Amy is skiing, most likely somewhere near Canberra. I do wonder if the clothes were warm as the pants seem to have a gap where they end and the socks begin!

This is my great grandfather’s brother James Hulbert. Yes, that is a snake he is holding. He was apparently very fond of them and this fondness for the slithery creatures also passed down through his line of the family to the current generation. This photo was shared with us by Betty Crowfoot at a Hulbert reunion in 2009.

My grandfather Vernon Mealer. Until the end of 2017 I had no idea who my maternal grandfather was, let alone knew what he looked like. Finding out who he was, what his life was like, who his (and my) ancestors are on this line and seeing this picture has been a wonderful journey, one I’m still enjoying to this day.

This image I used with my previous ancestors post. I just love this image despite the fact I have no idea who the lady in the picture is. I love the outfit she wears, complete with hat and the chair she sits upon. The hat and dress suggest a time period of around 1910-1914. The picture came from a family album that is part of ‘The Hulbert Collection’ so she is possibly a Hulbert or Armstrong or maybe a remote chance she is a Rutter. She is Image 5 on my ‘Can you help?’ page of unknown images and I believe Image 9 is also her or a close relative – the face is very similar. If you know who she is, I’d love to hear from you!


All images used on this website are copyright to Melissa Hulbert unless otherwise specified.
If you would like to use any of the images please contact me.


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